Water Revolution Foundation was introduced by its founders at The Superyacht Forum on 12 November 2018 in Amsterdam. The forum’s esteemed audience existing of superyacht builders, designers, managers, suppliers, service providers and many more industry stakeholders, applauded the founders on this new initiative. After many years and conferences of addressing the challenge and discussing it, Water Revolution Foundation is taking the lead to drive sustainability in the superyacht industry.
Like any other industry, the superyacht industry has an environmental footprint, it is time to face this and collaborate to significantly minimize this. The foundation’s chairman, Henk de Vries III, initiator and vice-chair, Vienna Eleuteri; board members, Philippe Briand and Martin Redmayne, and executive director, Robert van Tol sat on stage to explain that this new initiative was meant to be inclusive to all active in the superyacht industry and largely focused on sharing insight, information and best practices in order to accelerate the shift. The foundation views each superyacht as a platform for innovation, experimentation and pioneering technology.
The superyacht industry is in the unique position to lead the way, with its affluent clientele as well as its dependency of the condition of the oceans. The founders of Water Revolution Foundation emphasised that this a for-and-by-the-industry platform and encouraged to get involved to future-proof the industry and preserve the world’s precious oceans.